- Guevara De La Serna Ernesto (w2002)
- Gump Forrest (w2905)
- Hack Ed (w3082)
- Haddock Doris (w2011)
- Haldeman Lon (w2015)
- Hansen Rick (w2022)
- Harding Matt (w2026)
- Harlin John (w2027)
- Hasse Timp (w3055)
- Hause Gary (w2032)
- Hely Steve (w2043)
- Hibell Ian (w2047)
- Hillaby John (w2855)
- Horn Mike (w2056)
- Hubler Ludovic (w2062)
- Irvin Bill (w2075)
- James Naomi (w2082)
- Jenkins Peter (w2091)
- Johnson Jeff (w2099)
- Jost Ivo & Brigitte (w2103)
- Junek Bruce B., Thacker Tass (w2109)
- Kenyon Jamie (w2129)
- Keoghan Phil (w2984)
- Kerouac Jack (w2925)
- Kesey Ken (w3112)
- Kifer Ken (w2132)
- Kipper Harry (w2983)
- Kluckmann Horst (w3065)
- Kpomassie Tété-Michel (w2145)
- Kropp Gorän (w3102)
- Kuff Enrico (w2159)
- Kunst Dave (w2160)
- Kunst John (w2161)
- Kunst Pete (w2162)
- Kunt John Allen (w2163)
- Lamphier Thomas Junior (w2173)
- Lavarra Ilario (w3022)
- Le Clerc Michel, Bois Jean-Claude (w3094)
- Lecompte Benoît (w2178)
- Lepre Verena & Luciano (w2186)
- Letofsky Polly (w2188)
- Lillinstad Jale (w2194)
- Lindemann Hannes (w2195)
- List of adventure motorcycling books
- List of female explorers and travelers
- List of long-distance motorcycle riders
- List of pedestrian circumnavigators
- List of people who have walked across Canada
- List of travelers
- Logan Margaret (w2198)