Diary of a Pilgrimage

Jerome, Jerome Klapka. Diary of a Pilgrimage. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1891.

Le Tour du Monde en 240 Jours

Michel, Ernest. Le Tour du Monde en 240 Jours. Nice: Patronage de Saint-Pierre, 1882.

Round the World on a Wheel

Fraser, John Foster. Round the World on a Wheel. London: Methuen & Co., 1899.

The Indian Alps and How We Crossed Them

Mazuchelli, Nina Elizabett. The Indian Alps and How We Crossed Them. London: Longmans, Green, 1876.

Travels with a donkey in the Cevennes

Stevenson, Robert Louis. Travels with a donkey in the Cevennes. New York: Current Literature Pub. Co., 1909.

Some Humorous Experiences of a Globe Trotter

Connell, James. Some Humorous Experiences of a Globe Trotter. Battle Creek, Mich.: Ellis Pub. Co., 1915.

Tramping and Camping

Woolf, Dwight Homer, and Woolf. Tramping and Camping. Kansas City, Kan.: S. I. Meseraull & Son, Printers, 1912.

Viaggio intorno al Globo di un luganese

Dollfus, Ruggero. Viaggio intorno al Globo di un luganese, Ottobre 1900 - Luglio 1901. Lugano: stabilimento tipografico Fratelli Traversa, 1902.