Guevara De La Serna Ernesto (w2002)
- Alias-Pseudonimo-Pseudonyme:
Che Guevara
- Nationality-Nazionalità-Nationalité:
- Birth/death-Nascita/morte-Naissance/mort:
- Means of transport-Mezzo di trasporto-Moyen de transport:
Motorbike, Motocicletta, Moto
- Geographical description-Riferimento geografico-Référence géographique:
Americas, Americhe, Amérique
- Internet:
Visit Website
- Wikidata:
Visit Website
- Additional references-Riferimenti complementari-Références complémentaires:
Guevara, Ernesto. 2004. Latinoamericana: un diario per un viaggio in motocicletta. Milano: Feltrinelli. I diari della motocicletta un film di Walter Salles.
This isn't a tale of derring-do, nor is it merely some kind of "cynical account"; it isn't meant to be, at least. It's a chunk of two lives running parallel for a while, with common aspirations and similar dreams.
In nine months a man can think a lot of thoughts, from the height of philosophical conjecture to the most abject longing for a bowl of soup – in perfect harmony with the state of his stomach. And if, at the same time, he's a bit of an adventurer, he could have experiences which might interest other people and his random account would read something like this diary.
Diary introduction