- Alias-Pseudonimo-Pseudonyme: -
- Nationality-Nazionalità-Nationalité: France, Francia
- Birth/death-Nascita/morte-Naissance/mort: -
- Means of transport-Mezzo di trasporto-Moyen de transport: Motorbike, Motocicletta, Moto
- Geographical description-Riferimento geografico-Référence géographique: France, Francia
- Inscriptions-Iscrizioni-Inscriptions: Tour de France, 1922, 3700 kilomètres - Vache, sur motocyclette Indian et pneus Hutchinson
- Alias-Pseudonimo-Pseudonyme: -
- Nationality-Nazionalità-Nationalité: USA
- Birth/death-Nascita/morte-Naissance/mort: -
- Means of transport-Mezzo di trasporto-Moyen de transport: Wagon, cart, Carro, carretto, Char, Chariot
- Geographical description-Riferimento geografico-Référence géographique: USA
- Inscriptions-Iscrizioni-Inscriptions: Sustained loss of both legs at West Paris, Maine, August 14, 1907, while employed as brakeman on the Grand Trunk Railway System
- Alias-Pseudonimo-Pseudonyme: -
- Nationality-Nazionalità-Nationalité: India
- Birth/death-Nascita/morte-Naissance/mort: -
- Means of transport-Mezzo di trasporto-Moyen de transport: Bike, tricycle, Bicicletta, triciclo, Vélo, tricycle
- Geographical description-Riferimento geografico-Référence géographique: Around the World, Giro del mondo, Tour du monde
Rover Scout Manek K. Vajifdar, who is touring the world on a push bicycle, attended a Scout rally at Coffs Harbour last night.
- Alias-Pseudonimo-Pseudonyme: Wanderwell Walter
- Nationality-Nazionalità-Nationalité: -
- Birth/death-Nascita/morte-Naissance/mort: -
- Means of transport-Mezzo di trasporto-Moyen de transport: Various, Diversi, Différents
- Geographical description-Riferimento geografico-Référence géographique: Around the World, Giro del mondo, Tour du monde
- Internet: Visit Website
- Inscriptions-Iscrizioni-Inscriptions: Wanderwell world tour 175,000 miles around the world - for the world
The female Indiana Jones! Fascinating images capture the adventures of a 1920s traveller who visited 80 countries... in a Model T Ford.
- Alias-Pseudonimo-Pseudonyme: Van Buren sisters
- Nationality-Nazionalità-Nationalité: USA
- Birth/death-Nascita/morte-Naissance/mort: -
- Means of transport-Mezzo di trasporto-Moyen de transport: Motorbike, Motocicletta, Moto
- Geographical description-Riferimento geografico-Référence géographique: USA
- Internet: Visit Website
- Wikidata: Visit Website
The sisters descended from Martin Van Buren, the eighth President of the United States. In 1916, 24-year-old Augusta and 22-year-old Adeline Van Buren, or Gussie and Addie as they were known, were in their 20s and active in the national Preparedness Movement. America was about to enter World War I, and the sisters wanted to prove that women could ride as well as men and would be able to serve as military dispatch riders, freeing up men for other tasks.
- Alias-Pseudonimo-Pseudonyme: -
- Nationality-Nazionalità-Nationalité: Netherlands, Olanda, Hollande
- Birth/death-Nascita/morte-Naissance/mort: -
- Means of transport-Mezzo di trasporto-Moyen de transport: On foot, A piedi, A pied
- Geographical description-Riferimento geografico-Référence géographique: Around the World, Giro del mondo, Tour du monde
- Inscriptions-Iscrizioni-Inscriptions: Giro a piedi del mondo in 7 anni eseguito dall'olandese Franz Van De Loo
- Alias-Pseudonimo-Pseudonyme: -
- Nationality-Nazionalità-Nationalité: Belgium, Belgio, Belgique
- Birth/death-Nascita/morte-Naissance/mort: -
- Means of transport-Mezzo di trasporto-Moyen de transport: On foot, A piedi, A pied
- Geographical description-Riferimento geografico-Référence géographique: Around the World, Giro del mondo, Tour du monde
- Inscriptions-Iscrizioni-Inscriptions: Le tour du monde en brouette par deux Belges
- Alias-Pseudonimo-Pseudonyme: -
- Nationality-Nazionalità-Nationalité: Netherlands, Olanda, Hollande
- Birth/death-Nascita/morte-Naissance/mort: -
- Means of transport-Mezzo di trasporto-Moyen de transport: On foot, A piedi, A pied
- Geographical description-Riferimento geografico-Référence géographique: Around the World, Giro del mondo, Tour du monde
- Inscriptions-Iscrizioni-Inscriptions: W Van Der Hoeven, Hermine Van Der Hoeven, Pollo. Nous sommes partie de la Haye (Hollande) pour faire le tour du monde à pieds 40'000 km en cinq ans et nous vivons en vendant des Cartes postales